Thursday, 25 February 2010

Easter Celebrations!

Time has gone so fast! Sid's course ends in 3 weeks!!! His last exam is April 21st and he graduates on May 1st - you can imagine we will be celebrating our socks off!!! We just had Spring Break a few weeks ago, so he doesn't get any time off for Easter - not even Good Friday :( But we have been busy rehearsing for our church's fantastic Easter drama/musical production, which is tomorrow morning. I'm singing in the choir, and Sid has managed to find time to rehearse to play guitar with the band. I'm so happy he's getting some musical outlet! Well, for both of us really - we've enjoyed soooo much being part of a musical group praising God! I thought I'd try and give you a taster of what we'll be singing, so here goes...

The rehearsal schedule has been a bit crazy (Tue, Thur, Fri and Sat this week!) so I've been even worse than normal at keeping in touch the last few weeks! Sorry if you've emailed and I haven't replied yet - normal service will be resumed from Monday :)